Sunday, 1 March 2015

Computer Game Shows still don't have it

Let's face it, there are no entertaining computer game shows that have the comedy and genuine banter that GamesMaster had.

Watching GM (especially the later series) was like watching your mates play games and take the piss out of you, I think that is what adults need now.

Channel 5 have 'The Blurb' of course, but this has people just trying to be funny, or maybe I just don't get their immature humor directed at clear posh students?

An Idea

Channel 5 will consume almost any TV show like Big Brother. Why could they not have just resurrected GamesMaster?

The host could have been Frankie Boyle (its still a Scottish comedian with glasses) and after offending most of the guests including the film crew, we can then sit back and know we have a decent show.

Channel 5 have ran The Gadget Show for more than ten years now, so why can't a game show run longer?

GM was cut premature, the games industry is growing bigger not smaller.

Lack of entertainment

It's not just computer game shows that need a revamp for adults, movie shows and cult interests also.

Back in the early 2000's there was a show called Vidz on Channel 4. This had two hosts who were hilarious, reviewing films whilst keeping up a weird but funny act.

More of this is needed on TV or on demand.

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