Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Cyber City - A Manga Gem.

For those who love Real Anime such as Manga from the 90's, then you will no doubt remember 'Cyber City Oedo 808'.

This was part of the Cyber Punk collection which also included Cenocyber and AD Police.

If you have not heard of or seen Cyber City then here is a quick plot summary from Wiki:

To combat computerised crime more effectively, the Cyber Police unit of the future Japanese city of Oedo has restarted the feudal practice of hōmen (放免), employing hardened criminals with a history of hi-tech offences and other crimes such as murder as officers themselves.
Three such criminals are Sengoku, Gogol and Benten who are serving their 300-or-more year sentences in an orbital penitentiary. For duty served, each criminal will receive a reduction in their prison time. Desperate to get away from the boredom and monotony of jail life, they half-heartedly agree to the deal.

This has to be one of the best Manga series out there, a futuristic but realistic setting in Tokyo, mashed up with lots of swearing and hard action.

Unfortunately there was only three episodes, fans wanted more and this could have carried on forever.


Most fans of Cyber City will agree that the UK version is actually better than the Japanese and US version. The UK version released by Manga Entertainment UK has an alternate and more fitting soundtrack by Rory McFarlane, the UK release also had a better dub cast.


Want this on DVD or Blu-Ray? Well you can''t at this moment in time, only on VHS. The reason is apparently due to Manga UK losing the rights to Cyber City, how this has happened is unknown and strange as this is Manga Entertainment we are talking about not a ping pong company.

There is a small forum article by someone who has started a project to create their own DVD version Here.

A pitch and plea to Manga UK

Whatever the issue is, this should be sorted out. I am constantly amazed by how difficult or absent there is of classic Manga on new formats such as Blu-Ray.

I am sure, judging by the YouTube hits of Cyber City that there would be a market to release this on Blu-Ray or even DVD.

I would be willing to pay £50 for a HQ version on Blu-Ray and I am sure many more would say the same.

It doesn't take a geek to work out that this will make some money and may create more fans in the process.

You can watch the English UK Cyber City on YouTube.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Watching GamesMaster from beginging to end.

I am not sure what other couples watch at tea time but I have forced the viewing to be GamesMaster, starting from the beginning.

Thankfully you can watch all the episodes on YouTube, if you have a smart TV or Chromecast this makes things a lot easier.


Re-watching the show can be entertaining not only for the old games but for some of the guests on there. I mean, people with NHS glasses who look dodgy and strange geeks with funny hair cuts.

I shall try and watch a show each night, along with the Walking Dead (strange mash up) but this will be one entertaining tea time viewing.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Gaming VIdeo Tapes

Some retro heads will remember that back in the 90's gaming magazines would often give away VHS tapes of gaming videos. The idea of gaming videos has been around long before YouTube and Twitch.

GamesMaster Christmas Special VHS tape

This was actually my favorite and brings back some high volume nostalgia. The focus was on the main game companies at the time; Sony, Ubi soft, Nintendo, Konami and Acclaim.

A complication gaming video of all the games you would want at the time complied with dance music, this was like a music video for gamers.

 At the time one may have been disappointed with GamesMaster not distributing this as a show presented by Dom, but looking back this was a clever and cool compilation video for those who watched game videos.

Nintendo 64 VHS

Much like the GamesMaster video, this was another game compilation with cool electro music. This may have come from the Nintendo Magazine but i can't remember to be honest, it may have been a freebie in a shop.

The video had some of the best launch titles for the N64 and banged on about the console being "The Fastest Most Powerful Games Console On Earth!" which technically it was but not the best.

 This was a entertaining video which had some fantastic titles, please see the left picture.

Donkey Kong Country VHS from Nintendo Magazine

A free video that came with the official Nintendo Magazine to support the launch of Donkey Kong Country, for the SNES.

This video focused on the making and marketing of the game in the US. This was presented by some Skater dude in a cool hat and him badgering all the Nintendo staff.

One other interesting thing on this tape was a collection of SNES and Game Boy trailers at the end.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Introduction and Welcome

If you have landed here you may have been searching for a GamesMaster fan site or any GM TV show related stuff.

This blog is an addition to the GamesMasterDotTV youtube channel and all gaming and retro gaming articles including respects to GamesMaster itself.

For those who do not know of the GM show;

"GamesMaster was a British television show, screened on Channel 4 from 1992 to 1998, and was the first ever UK television show dedicated to computer and video games." - Wiki

Fan Sites:

There has been various fan sites over the years especially the first one which was quite successful, unfortunately this has now gone.

There is a dedicated FaceBook page here: https://www.facebook.com/gamesmasterhd which has a guy working on Restoration of the GM video and other cool stuff.

Please note the website http://www.gamesmasterhd.co.uk is non functional at this time?


I am sure that the original fans of the series would love to see a revamp, to those who are sceptical that this would not work, please keep in mind the following:

  • Gaming videos are bigger than ever online.
  • There are older gamers now that would appreciated an adult theme .
  • This could be distributed cheaper and online.
  • The gaming industry is now worth more than the movie industry.

Something that would be very interesting would be a "Bring Back" GamesMaster with Justin Lee Collins, come on you know it would work!

If not the original GM then shows like this with the same format would be appreicated.

Doom for playstation
